- Forum-Beiträge: 6.929
20.06.2011, 14:13:09 via Website
20.06.2011 14:13:09 via Website
Auch hier wieder eine Auflistung, die keinen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit erhebt. Hinweise, Ergänzungen und Korrekturen sind daher, wie immer, Willkommen!
- Periodensystem2013-11-13
- Periodic Table (4,9@4.316)
- Merck PTE / EMD PTE (4,8@2.532 / 4,5@75) Internet
- la.droid.periodic (4,7@2.040) Internet
- Elements Rule! FREE! / Elements Rule! (4,7@7 / ?; ~EUR 0,75) LastUpdate 2/2011 Internet (nur gratis Version)
- Chemistry - Periodic Table (4,6@33; ~EUR 0,75)
- Periodensystem (4,4@8.481) Internet
- Table Of Elements (4,4@369) Internet
- PeriodicTable Free (4,2@194) LastUpdate 10/2011 Internet
- Frei Periodensystem / Periodensystem (4,2@65 / ?; ~EUR 1) Internet
- com.science.Elements2 (4,1@173) LastUpdate 6/2010
- Elemental: Periodic Table (3,9@81) LastUpdate 5/2010
- Elementally / Elementally Pro (3,9@9 / ?; ~EUR 1) LastUpdate 10/2011 Internet
- Periodic Table Flashcards,Quiz (3,8@46) Internet
- proga.alexi.chemicaltables (3,8@27) LastUpdate 4/2010 Standort, Internet
- Periodic Table (3,6@155) Internet
- Elements (3,3@37) LastUpdate 10/2009
- com.appTotem.PeriodicTableComplete (?) LastUpdate 4/2011 Internet
- io.hammann.android.apps.psetab (4@26) nicht mehr im Kachelofen
- table.periodic.lite / The Elements - Periodic Table / table.periodic.tablet (2,6@24 / 4@8; ~EUR 1,50 / ?; ~EUR 2) nicht mehr im Kachelofen
- Weitere Referenzen2013-11-13
- Chemistry Helper / Chemistry Helper - Ad Free (4,6@925 / 4,9@7; ~EUR 0,75) Standort (nur gratis-Version), Internet
- Formulae / Formulae Pro (4,5@627 / 4,4@110; ~EUR 1,25)
- W Chemistry Handbook (4,4@135) Internet
- ChemiPal (4,4@25; ~EUR 0,75) LastUpdate 11/2010
- Chemistry Formula Calc LITE / Chemistry Formula Calculator (4,3@115 / 4,8@6; ~EUR 1,50) LastUpdate 1/2011
- Learn Chemistry via Videos (4,3@86; ~EUR 1,50) Internet, Billing
- Amino Acids List (4,3@23)
- appkorner.wikimula (2@4) LastUpdate 3/2011 Internet
- Chemistry Study Guide (?; ~EUR 7,75) LastUpdate 1/2011
- Chemistry Dictionary (?; ~EUR 2,25) LastUpdate 7/2010
- eu.besteng.formule.plus / eu.besteng.formule.pro (3,6@10 / 2,9@7; ~EUR 0,75) nicht mehr im Kachelofen
- Sonstiges2013-11-13
- [old] CMM | Molar Mass Calcula (5@10)
- Amino Acids Quiz (4,8@79) Internet
- Chemistry Class 12 Mock Test 1 (4,7@15)
- Chemistry Helper / Chemistry Helper - Ad Free (4,6@925 / 4,9@7; ~EUR 0,75) Standort (nur gratis-Version), Internet
- com.chemmoblie2 (4,6@700) Internet
- Organic Chemistry Nomenclature (4,6@47)
- com.wordpress.stefanaleksicprogramming (4,6@17)
- Organic Chemistry - Class 12 (4,5@78) Internet, Billing
- Chemistry Help (4,4@86) Internet
- Molecule Viewer 3D (4,4@31) Internet
- gMol--Molar Mass Tool (4,3@12) LastUpdate 5/2011 Internet
- Molar Mass Calculator (4,1@31) Internet
- com.ranviclabs.chemistry.lite / com.ranviclabs.chemistry (4@184 / 4,5@17; ~EUR 0,75) Internet
- Organic Chemistry Terms (4@34) LastUpdate 4/2011 Internet
- tomMcBlack.android.MolarMassCalculator (3,8@6) LastUpdate 8/2011 Internet
- com.treefrog.dce.demo (3,4@84) LastUpdate 8/2010 Internet
- Trigonometry Cheat Sheet(Free) (5@9) Internet
- Maths School Guide (4,8@25) Internet, Billing
- Math Mobile (4,8@21)
- quick.math.droid (4,6@2.983) Internet
- Mathematics (4,6@2.549) Vorstellung 7/2012
- Mathe Experte / Mathe Experte Pro (4,6@1.288 / 4,8@12; ~EUR 2,50)
- König der Mathematik (4,6@1.116) Internet
- Maths Formula List (4,6@276) Internet, Billing
- Trigonometry Quick Reference / Trigonometry QuickReferencePro (4,6@186 / ?; ~EUR 0,75) Internet (nur gratis-Version)
- Trigonometry (4,6@61) Internet
- free.maths.formulas (4,6@54) Internet
- Formulas Lite (4,5@4.944) Internet
- Math Helper Lite - Algebra / Math Helper:Algebra & Analysis (4,5@1.632 / 4,6@617; ~EUR 2,75) Review 5/2013 Internet, Accounts
- Formulae / Formulae Pro (4,5@627 / 4,4@110; ~EUR 1,25)
- Math Ref Free / Math Ref (4,5@534 / 4,6@208; ~EUR 0,75) Phone & Tablet optimiert Internet
- Math Formula Reference (4,5@268) Internet
- com.hyunkyoic.game.mathworkout (4,5@125) Internet, WLAN trennen/verbinden
- com.mukund1776.usefulmathsformulas (4,5@87) Internet
- Function Inspector LITE / Function Inspector PRO (4,4@411 / 4,7@109; ~EUR 1,50) Testbericht 10/2011 Internet (nur gratis-Version)
- enigma.paid.ultimath / xynteq.ultimath.key (4,4@172 / ?; ~EUR 1,50) Internet
- Cool Vedic Maths Tricks (4,4@30) Internet
- Learn Math via Videos (4,3@194; ~EUR 1,50) Internet, Billing
- com.rimpv.mathTricks (4,3@193) Internet
- com.whalemobile.VolumeSurfaceArea2 (4,3@129) Internet
- com.funmathtricks.lite / com.funmathtricks (4,1@2.183 / 3,8@112; ~EUR 1,25) Internet
- Trigonometrische Formel / com.TrignometricApp_pro (4,1@466 / 0; ~EUR 0,75) Internet
- Formelsammlung Mathematik / Formelsammlung Mathematik Pro (3,4@859 / 4,3@20; ~EUR 2) Testbericht 1/2012 Internet
- appkorner.wikimula (2@4) LastUpdate 3/2011 Internet
- de.mathmaster.com (?) LastUpdate 6/2011
- com.andromo.dev63144.app65166 / eu.besteng.formule.pro (4,5@8 / 3,1@10; ~EUR 0,50) nicht mehr im Kachelofen
- Physics Notes (4,7@19) Internet
- Physics Buddy (4,7@6) LastUpdate 12/2011
- me.jakir.physicsformula (4,7@3) Internet
- Physik lernen (4,6@230) Internet
- Physics Reference (4,6@62) Internet
- Pocket Physics (4,5@337) Internet
- Basic Physics (4,5@77) Internet
- com.physicsPack (4,5@56) LastUpdate 4/2011 Internet
- com.BSphysics.beta (4,4@64) LastUpdate 10/2010
- Derivative and Integral Rules / com.spacebar.rulesdonate (4,3@154 / ?; ~EUR 1,25)
- Learn Physics via Videos (4,3@141; ~EUR 1,50) Internet, Billing
- Physics Formula Calc LITE / Physics Formula Calculator 1.1 (4,1@120 / 4,2@21; ~EUR 1,50) LastUpdate 12/2010
- com.ujj.physicscheater (4,1@107) LastUpdate 12/2010 Internet
- appinventor.ai_brich280.physics (3,9@61) LastUpdate 4/2011 Internet
- Physics Class 12 Mock Test 1 (3,9@8)
- physics.app (3,5@44) LastUpdate 10/2011
- Physics Helper Lite / Physics Helper (3,5@6 / 0; ~EUR 0,75) Internet (nur gratis-Version)
- Physics Formulas and Tables (2,8@4; ~EUR 7,75) LastUpdate 12/2010
- de.hm.physik (2,3@3; ~EUR 2) LastUpdate 11/2010
- appkorner.wikimula (2@4) LastUpdate 3/2011 Internet
- Physics Glossary (?; ~EUR 1) LastUpdate 4/2010
- com.spacebar.physicsequations (?; ~EUR 0,75)
- eu.besteng.formule.plus / eu.besteng.formule.pro (3,6@10 / 2,9@7; ~EUR 0,75) nicht mehr im Kachelofen
Elektrotechnik / Elektronik2013-11-13
- ElectroDroid / ElectroDroid Pro (4,8@40.676 / 4,9@5.007; ~EUR 2) Internet
- PICmicro Database (4,7@2.523) Internet
- EveryCircuit / com.everycircuit (4,6@4.404 / 4,6@1.451; ~EUR 7,75) Internet; Pro zusätzlich: Billing, Accounts
- RF&Mikrowelle Werkzeug leicht / RF & Mikrowelle Werkzeugkasten (4,5@148 / 4,6@71; ~EUR 8) Internet
- com.the3cs.caltronic.main (4,4@125) Internet
- Electrical Wiring Lite / EWP 2011 Electrical Wiring Pro (4,3@453 / 4,6@514; ~EUR 3)
- Ohmsches Gesetz Einfach / Ohmsches Gesetz PLUS (4,3@97 / 4,6@299) Standort, Internet
- Elec Ref (4,3@26; ~EUR 3)
- Droid Tesla Demo / Droid Tesla Pro (4,2@905 / 4,6@264; ~EUR 7,25) Internet, Accounts
- Circuit Calculators (3,9@9; ~EUR 0,75) LastUpdate 8/2010 Internet
- Electrist Electronics Calc (3,7@26; ~EUR 1,75) Internet
- com.mstar.ohms (4@51; ~EUR 2) nicht mehr im Kachelofen
- Construction Master Pro (4,8@529; ~EUR 15,50) Internet
- Steel Beam Design Construction (4,4@14; ~EUR 3) LastUpdate 4/2011
- Steel Shapes for Construction (3@18; ~EUR 3) LastUpdate 4/2011
- com.engcalc (2,6@24; ~EUR 15,50) Internet
- appkorner.wikimula (2@4) LastUpdate 3/2011 Internet
- Calculator (4,8@1.611) Taschenrechner mit Graphen & mehr; Vorstellung 9/2012
- RealCalc Scientific Calculator / RealCalc Plus (4,7@95.314 / 4,8@4.813; ~EUR 2,25) Testbericht 9/2012
- WolframAlpha (4,6@7.475; ~EUR 2,25) Testbericht 12/2010; Mathe, Statistik, Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Geografie, Geschichte, Ingenieurswesen... Standort, Internet
- Graph 89 Free / Graph 89 - (with TI84 support) (4,6@841 / 4,8@280; ~EUR 3) Emulator for the TI-89 graphing calculator Pro: Accounts
- Formelsammlung von Duden (4,6@5) Vorstellung 11/2013 Internet, Billing (zusätzliche funktionen freischalten; ~EUR 6)
- Scientific Calculator / Scientific Calculator Pro (4,5@4.619 / 4,7@50; ~EUR 1) Internet (nur gratis-Version)
— geändert am 16.11.2013, 18:24:03
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