Hier mal die Logdatei
07/023/2011 11:23:41 - INFO - <- This level is successfully initialized
07/023/2011 11:23:41 - INFO - Starting adb service
07/024/2011 11:24:34 - WARN - Please check your Phone and 'ALLOW' Superuseraccess!
07/024/2011 11:24:35 - INFO - Root Access Allowed
07/025/2011 11:25:11 - INFO - Language set
07/025/2011 11:25:15 - INFO - Searching Adb Device
07/025/2011 11:25:15 - INFO - Busybox already installed
07/025/2011 11:25:32 - INFO - Installing xRecovery to device...
07/025/2011 11:25:32 - INFO - Searching Adb Device
07/025/2011 11:25:32 - INFO - Device connected
07/025/2011 11:25:32 - INFO - Remounting system read-write
07/025/2011 11:25:33 - INFO - Pushing .\custom\xRecovery\xrecovery.tar to /sdcard/xrecovtmp/xrecovery.tar
07/025/2011 11:25:34 - INFO - Pushing .\custom\xRecovery\chargemon to /sdcard/xrecovtmp/chargemon
07/025/2011 11:25:34 - INFO - Running installrecovery as root thru sysrun
07/025/2011 11:25:35 - INFO - xRecovery successfully installed
Dann die Installroutiene von XRecovery gestartet, aber ..... nischt.