- Forum-Beiträge: 24.262
19.08.2012, 11:32:07 via App
19.08.2012 11:32:07 via App

- Android Version: 4.0.4 (IceCream Sandwich)
- Based on: Incredible S 4.14.405.2
- Sense Version: 3.6
- Supported Devices: DHD, Inspire, Telus DHD, Vivo, Saga (untested) and MyTouch 4G/Glacier(untested)
Not Working:
Bliss MOD in Tweaks...DO NO USE. Use mod pack instead please
Headset Buttons
Hot Spot WIP
Arrowless Keyboard in Landscape is WIP
Front Facing Cam on myTouch WIP

Rebased to 4.14.405.2
Added Mods to POST #4
Fixed Sound on Devices
Fixed Auto-Brightness
Added Incredible S Support
Added Desire Z Support
Added Desire S Support
Fixed Colors on HTC IME
Zipaligned with Latest
Fixed OC Governor on First Boot
Fixed Button Backlight
Improved Performance and Battery Life
Um...v3.1 but better!
Full Wipe Recommended, maybe required
Fixed Sound on Devices
Better touch Response
Fixed aroma no wipe issue
Back to stock look. Skin will be reworked
New kernel Blackout BeastMode v1.5
Added new device (HTC MyTouch 4G)
Removed andrev_oc and related files due to causing lag issues.
Removed duplicate entries from build.prop
Correct Device Branding
Added Bliss Mod to Tweaks
Even more Tweaks added!
Included Beats audio components for Desire HD
Updated frameworks to include new APN's
Added Battery Percent
Fixed FM Radio (Fully Functional)
Fixed Weather Sounds FC
Fixed APN's for Virgin Mobile
Fixed issue with camera and flash
Fixed issue with video recording locking up and rebooting
Fixed SMS 160 char issues
Fixed MMS send recieve issues
Fixed Data signal drop while recieving MMS
Fixed BT Hogging CPU after shutdown
Rebase to Incredible S 4.10.405.1 (Android 4.0.4)
Camera fixed AND Recording 480p and 720P WITH audio
Camera - Removed Stereo Recording and Front Facing Cam/Mirror App
Blackout BeastMode Kernel V1.0
New OC Values
Re-Wrote Tweaks App
Few new tweaks add (more to be added ota style ;))
Exclusive Blackout Skin v1.0 with Sense 4.0 Style Clock Widget (default)
And New Team Member...be gentle with him...
-Rebase to 2.31.401.2
-Added Aroma Backup Apps Option During Full Wipe Install
-Added Custom OC Option for Install (Andrev Daemon)
-Added Custom Language Option for Install
-Bluetooth 100% Fix with Mic
-Weather Sounds FC Fixed
-More Blackout Tweaks (still WIP and alot more to come)
-Modded HTCListen.apk for Beats, Dolby, and SRS Sound
-SMS Limit Fixed
-New Blackout Kernel
-More Aroma Additions
-Updated Aroma Installer to Latest
FUll WIPE REQUIRED (do not wipe in aroma, not working correctly yet :p)
-Rebased to 2.28.709.1
-Added Aroma Installer (Obviously :] )
-Added APM (Advanced Power Menu)
-Added Extended Quicksettings
-Added a New Member to the Team: Welcome cstayton :]
-Added New Blackout Tweaks(beta)
-Added Wifi tether app (must set profile to nexus one in app settings)
-Modded services.jar and PCSC.apk for USB Mount
-Modded services.jar for Disabling HTC Signature Checking
-Removed All HTC and Goolge Logging Files
-Tweaked The framework-res.apk for More Animation Speed
-Fixed Specific Device Detection for Sound and Info
-Sound fixed for Telus and Inspire users
-Wifi fixed
-BT Fixed (a2dp also)
-Added Sense 4.0 Wallpapers
-Beats and other sound enhancements added to music player
-System files cleaned up a bit
-Optimized here and there (whatever that means :p)
- Initial Release

Main Link
BT and IME Fix
MD5 Sum: d7b13b44b843c36699c6a52790b8d76f
If Needed...
Kernel Source
Older Release

HUGE thanks to markj338 for his vivo testing and feedback!
HUGE thanks to Team Inferno and sckboy78 for the myTouch testing, awesome group of guys!
HUGE thank you to j4n87 and m0narx for the help and Leedroid Tweaks that our app is based off of (Mikenif deserves a few shots for the work he put into the app )
VU For Kernel source (This rom would not be complete w/out them)
Scott Crosler for all the help and input he's provided AND just being a good friend
Newtoroot for various tips and tricks
LorD ClockaN for previous use of kernel
Shaky156 for bringing the Team together[/QUOTE]
— geändert am 04.04.2019, 22:32:04 durch Moderator
StayDirty ツ
Pixel 3a XL [10]
Samsung Tab A 10.5 2018 [9]
⇨Dirty⇦nexus5x [8.1.0]
⇨Dirty⇦ nexus4 [5.0.2] RIP
⇨Dirty⇦ nexus7 (Flo) [6.0.1] RIP
⇨CodefireX⇦desire hd [4.2.2] RIP