- Forum-Beiträge: 590
05.04.2013, 00:19:55 via Website
05.04.2013 00:19:55 via Website
Alles, was man jetzt noch braucht, sind einige Grundkenntnisse der spezifischen Android-Begriffe und die Zeit, die es braucht,
erst zu lesen, dann zu verstehen und dann erst zu handeln!
Und natürlich alles ohne Gewähr...

Und los geht's:
I probably won't ever update this, I am however uploading the rom as one ZIP file so people don't get confused.
NONE OF THIS IS MY WORK, IT PURELY THIS GUIDE (http://tau.shadowchild.nl/attn1/?cat=6) SIMPLIFIED TO SOME EXTENT. with parts that werent included in the guide added to the guide.
Full HTC Desire HD guide to root, S-OFF/Sim Unlock
1. Unlock the bootloader at http://htcdev.com/bootloader/
2. Copy your Unlock_code.bin file that you got in the email to the ace-tools folder.
3. Download rooted stock rom: (please check the link in original-thread/ no direct-links allowed)
copy the ROM zip file to your SD card.
4. Install recovery image:
Open cmd and type:
• cd <the directory of the ace-tools folder> (eg cd C:\ace-tools)
Ensure your phone is connected to your PC and then boot into bootloader, then navigate to fastboot.
In cmd:
• fastboot recovery1.img
5. boot into recovery through bootloader and Install the ROM you placed on the SD card, (via install zip file?select the rom zip)
6. Reboot the phone, ensure the rom is working fine and you have root access you can test this by turning on usb debugging then:
• Adb shell
• Su
You should see the $ turn into a #. If this happens, congrats you have root access.
Then type this:
• Exit
Then again:
• Exit
• Adb push boot.img /data/local/tmp
• adb shell dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p22 of=/data/local/tmp/boot.img
• adb pull /data/local/tmp/boot.img
• adb push goldcard /data/local/tmp
• adb shell chmod 775 /data/local/tmp/goldcard
• adb shell cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc2/mmc2:*/cid
take note of the string of numbers and letters that appear.
• adb shell /data/local/tmp/goldcard -c <string of numbers and letters should go here> -o /data/local /tmp/goldcard.img
• adb shell dd if=/data/local/tmp/goldcard.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk1
• adb push misc_version /data/local/tmp
• adb shell chmod 775 /data/local/tmp/misc_version
• adb shell /data/local/tmp/misc_version -s
7. If this is all fine boot into bootloader again.
From bootloader go to fastboot.
Go back to the cmd window on your PC from earlier, type in:
• Fastboot oem lock
Then type:
• fastboot oem rebootRUU
• fastboot flash zip firmware.zip
• fastboot reboot-bootloader
unlock the bootloader again using the Unlock_code.bin you got from HTC:
• fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin
then flash boot.img in ace-tools folder:
• fastboot flash boot boot.img
• fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
8. boot to recovery again then:
• adb push gfree /tmp/
• adb shell chmod 775 /tmp/gfree
• adb shell /tmp/gfree -f
reboot to bootloader and you should see it says S-OFF at the top of the screen, if It does congrats your done.

— geändert am 04.04.2019, 23:12:09 durch Moderator
...wenn ich immer wüßte, was ich tue, dann würde ich es nicht tun...