- Forum-Beiträge: 35.443
09.12.2013, 15:41:23 via Website
09.12.2013 15:41:23 via Website
MoKee OpenSource is based on the Google AOSP and CyanogeMod project. We update our source code frequently to keep up with the latest development, and not forgetting to merge in special features of our own at the same time.
The Mfunz Forums launched this project on the 12th of December 2012, and is committed to make this ROM better and better.
Since this project is open source, anyone interested can participate in the development. Newcomers are always welcomed!
zu finden bei den XDA:
*Note:Some features haven't add in alpha built by now (for example,Halo and PIE) don't worry , in the feature mokee team will do it.
- cLock Lockscreen and Homescreen widget
- PIE control
- Calendar - with lunar and solar calenders
- Lunar calendar in lock screen
- Task switching sidebar in recent apps (the list will increase if you install supported apps)
- Bulk SMS recipients
- Adjustable SMS font size
- Smart dialing
- IP dialing
- Adjustable navigation bar height
- Custom transparency for status bar and navigation bar
- Built in timer in Apollo - determine when to stop playing music
- CRT animation switch
- Custom operator name
- Network speed in status bar
- Preview option in launcher (similar to the preview function in launchers found in Play Store)
- Permissions Manager
- MoKee NotePad
- ListView animations
- global time refinement
- localization optimization and adjustment
- smart dialing optimization
- Volume Rocker Wake
- Split QS actionable area
- more
Receiving and making calls
Proximity sensor
USB mass storage
HW accelerated gui
HW accelerated video
USB/Wifi tethering
USB OTG (Only FAT32 support)
Phantom key presses filtering
NOT Working
Default brower work not reall well (use Chrome instead of)
OTA update in Mokee Center is not working because we are unofficial build
ROM OS Version: 4.4.x KitKat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: CyanogenMod + Mokee
— geändert am 23.12.2013, 23:01:27
L.G. Erwin
Wissen ist Macht. Nichts wissen macht nichts.
Wer einen Rechtschreibfehler findet darf ihn behalten.
Am Ende wird alles gut. Und wenn es nicht gut ist, ist es nicht das Ende.
Hat dir mein Beitrag gefallen? Dann würde ich mich über ein Danke freuen.