- Forum-Beiträge: 35.443
15.12.2013, 14:39:19 via Website
15.12.2013 14:39:19 via Website
The ROM has been optimized to ensure maximum fluidity
and at the same time good battery life and, thanks to Nitrox S,
you will have the opportunity to stay up to date on the latest news
and download launchers, themes "exclusive" mod and much more ! !
Android 4.4.2 KitKat with FluidUI 4.5
Based on latest CyanogenMod 11 build
Update the ROM directly from your device using OTA
Official bootanimation
Nova Launcher
Exclusive Google apps called Ehndrogapps also available in Slim version
Fully customizable quick settings
Tweaks designed for a very smooth system experience and better battery life
No more ads in the apps
Option to disable root for more security
Send messages with exclusive Ehndroix app with a very attractive look, fully customizable and with new features
Beautiful rounded icon for to be pleasing on HD screens
Fantastic official Ehndroix wallpapers
Perfect working GPS in all countries due to the automatic fix satellites
ROM in constant development (keep up to date thanks to date version)
Keep safe your data with Titanium Backup installed by default
... and much more!
Guide to proper installation
Coming from a previous EHNDROIX V:
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Coming from EHNDROIX IV or other ROMs:
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bei den Xda Developer
— geändert am 22.09.2014, 11:14:11
L.G. Erwin
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