- Forum-Beiträge: 11.646
20.06.2013, 07:23:36 via App
20.06.2013 07:23:36 via App
First and foremost, thanks goes to the following Devs (not in any particular order):
* God
* PipelinerArd
* PBeeler
* Mustaavalkosta
* Synergy
Second, but not least, thanks goes to the following testers (not in any particular order):
* coming soon (way too much cutting/pasting right now lol)
Please follow these instructions:
1. Please make a nandroid backup BEFORE flashing this ROM!!!
2. Please perform a Full wipe before flashing this ROM!!!
• 1. If you DO use the "dirty flash" method, please note that you cannot list ANY bugs/issues you encounter)
• Flash your preferred GAPPS package after ROM flash (can be done in same Recovery session)
• Let the ROM "settle in" BEFORE listing any issues!!!
• To be continued...Flash the performance version of this ROM ONLY IF your HTC ace can boot a performance kernel (some cannot - this is NOT a bug with AOKP, but rather with the different chipsets in our phones)!!!! Otherwise, flash the Stable variant:
* ROM: Performance and Stable AOKP
* Support files: Inspire/Desire HD audio and GPS fixes (if needed), and also the lastest GAPPS
Donations Appreciated!
Ihr könnt jetzt die Version 4.9 downloaden

Die Warheit schmeckt gut wenn man den Bauch voller Lügen hat! ~Muhammad Ali~