- Forum-Beiträge: 1.245
26.01.2013, 03:01:30 via Website
26.01.2013 03:01:30 via Website

Builds are generated automatically each night (except M-Series which will be done once a month) with latest changes from CM, Andromadus, KangBang stable kernel and myself. Builds use some required Andromadus' repos for msm7x30 that can be found from github (link below) and local device repo for ace. Local manifest used for the builds can be found here. If the builds stop coming at some point, it most likely means there are changes in upstream that broke the build. I'll attend to solving such situations when I have time. Latest 7 nightlies will be kept on the server. If you want a longer history of them, you are free to archive them yourself.
Thanks and credits:
- Andromadus (for msm7x30 repos)
- CodeAuroraForum
- CyanogenMod
- BananaGranola
- Epic Beard Men
- eXistZ
- Flemmard
- Flinny
- Juansheng
- KangBangKreations (shipped kernel is based on this)
- paulb_nl
- thachtunganh (s2w)
- PipelinerArd (for initial spark for this project)
- synergye
- TeamCodefire (for build server and hosting, priceless)
- a user (for provided tweaks)
- Flow-Wolf (for the video review, see Q&A)
- All the rest that have helped to construct these builds and develop software for ace directly or indirectly in the past.
- BBQLog
- CM Gerrit
- CM Google+
- Github (see above)
Fresh installation instructions:
- Download Nightlies / Releases
- Download gapps (goo.im/gapps)(Goo.im mirror)
- Put the files on SD card.
- Reboot to recovery.
- Do factory reset (ie. format /data, /cache, /sd-ext and /sdcard/.android_secure)
- Flash cm-10.1-xxxxxxxx-UNOFFICIAL-ace.zip
- Flash gapps-jb-xxxxxxxx-signed.zip
- Reboot and enjoy.
Update installation instructions:
- Download Nightlies / Releases (Goo.im mirror)
- Put the file on SD card.
- Reboot to recovery.
- Format /cache
- Flash cm-10.1-xxxxxxxx-UNOFFICIAL-ace.zip
- No need to flash gapps as CM backuptool script should take care of them.
- Reboot and enjoy.
- My Google+
- My twitter
- #codefireX @ freenode
- codefi.re (use the donation button at the bottom of the page)
- Mustaavalkosta
Dirty flash suggested:
Nightlies -> M, no
M -> Nightlies, yes
Downloads hier:
original XDA-Thread
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