You will not be able to find a faster source built rom. Also the only custom aosp OpenMaster (not a typo) based rolling distribution built with strict aliasing, isoc++11 mode, and O3 completely as well as other optimizations. Click HERE for a better thread, discussion, download, and more info.

This is a team effort by all Team codefireX members listed below, as well as many other developers and users in the android community.
The codefireX team:- synergy(e) - lead dev
- Mustaavalkosta - lead dev
- michyprima - dev
- Pnoire - bug tester and crowdin manager
- Rdlgrmpf - contributor
- BananaGranola - contributor
- Entire crowdin translation community
Unlike with some other JellyBean roms on this forum, I believe that all users should know exactly what is being built in/for the ROM. That is why all the repos I use and maintain are available for all to see and contribute to. The codefireX source links are above the download link. Please do not ask me to include any prebuilt or proprietary applications in this ROM; I will refuse, or ignore you entirely. Using proprietary or closed source applications/ROMs is and always will be a security concern I would rather not expose users to.

- Click HERE for a full cfX settings feature flowchart by BananaGranola (thank you!)
- NOT simply a re-named CM build
- Based on AOSP master with regular AOSP master merges
- Open Source as all AOSP ROMs deserve to be
- Easily switch between a custom and "vanilla" experience in the settings app "on/off switch"
- LOTS of customization options including quick settings
- Built with a custom GCC 4.7.3 toolchain (opposed to stock 4.6.3), strict aliasing, -O3 completely (including thumb_cflags), and other Linaro optimizations such as OOM/LMK changes. JUST TRY TO FIND A FASTER SOURCE BUILT JELLYBEAN ROM!
- Lots more but I'm boring myself already

- DarkCow aka elliot.newnham for the great OP design
- IOMonster
- KozmikKick
- Faux123
- MDeejay
- ShowP1984
- Cayniarb
- ToastCFH
- Kali-
- Intervigil
- eXistZ
- CodeAuroraForum
- Bhanvidia
- BananaGranola
- DeamonFish
- MrSchapps
- Kraizk
- ALL Team Codefire members
- Google
- KushDeck
- Aus_azn
- BananaCakes
- Contactwajeeh
- Rafyvitto
- dumpsta
- cruzin_cruzin
- zacgoesrawr
- Zanzibar
- crackajack
- Zelendel
- daspazz
- jenkem110
- Virtuous Team
- Andromadus Team
- CyanogenMod Team (all maintainers included)
- anyone I forgot
Like my work? Feel free to buy me a beer for early morning dev HERELTC: LPEvPYYgHorueAitXXzRHn92TYjgfACDbY
- Ace: updated kernel, will update kernel thread shortly
- BT really fixed now
- NavBar height issue fixed
- Tons of small updates and fixes
- More translations from the incredible crowdin community
ältere changelogs am ende des 4. posts..
Toolchain Changelog:
cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2013.3:
- GCC updated to gcc-linaro-4.7-2013.03
- Cherry-picked Google dwarf accel table commit sets and enabled
cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2013.2-1:
- GCC updated to gcc-linaro-4.7-2013.01
cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2013.2:
- GCC merged with AOSP toolchain/gcc master
cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2013.1-1:
- GCC updated to gcc-linaro-4.7-2013.01
cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2013.1:
- Cloog updated to 0.18.0
- Ppl updated to 1.0
cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2012.12-2:
- Gdb updated to linaro-7.5-2012.12-1
- Mpc updated to 1.0.1
cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2012.12:
- Disabled simulator target and tui
- Graphite enabled
- Linaro gcc-4.7-2012.12
- Linaro gdb 7.5-2012.09
- Binutils 2.22
- Gmp 5.0.5
- Mpfr 3.1.1
- Cloog 0.17.0
- Mpc 1.0
Working:- Storage
- USB mount
- Camera
- Camcorder (720p)
- TimeLapse
- Audio(including headset)
- WiFi
- WiFi Tethering
- Radio
- Calls
- Mobile Data
- Button Backlights/LEDS
- Bluetooth
Not Working:bitte in den letzten posts im thread schauen oder nachfragen..
video by Flow-Wolf on BR9Xda Seite:
Xda Seite Pefomance Kernel: Stable Kernel Download Performance Kernel (läuft nicht unbedingt auf allen devices)
Hier sind die links zu den codefireX nightlies..
[quote]ZanzDroid;30943486]These are official codefireX JellyBean Nightlies brought to you by Synergy(e) and TeamCodefire.
codefireX is a CM10 spinoff with the goal of providing additional power-user features (all contained in the codefireX settings panel) while still maintaining full upstream CM compatibility for automated CM merges daily for the nightlies. This means the nightlies are fully up to date with the CM10 nightlies, however you get additional features too! The codefireX settings panel will become even more populated with cool tweaks as this project progresses, and more device nightlies will also be added.
The github for the local manifest for use with CyanogenMod's JellyBean manifest is . The device repos were moved over to with the inclusion of synergy(e) into the Andromadus team. The kernel compiled off git during every nightly is and the kb-stable branch is what is synced/used. Changelogs are not available, however you may use github (github is
always current). The maintainer for this device will not respond to questions on this thread, so please help your fellow android user out
Es gibt jetzt auch periodical versions..
Diese sind geprüft und in etwa auf dem jeweiligen stand der entsprechenden nightly..
Many users have shown an interest in getting periodic, tested codefireX builds in addition to the untested codefireX nightlies. So in other words, this is here to provide builds to those who are uncomfortable using untested nightlies. IF YOU WANT BLEEDING EDGE, USE THE NIGHTLIES!!!
Unlike with some other JellyBean roms on this forum, I believe that all users should know exactly what is being built in/for the ROM. That is why the device/vendor/qcom proprietary repos I use and maintain are available for all to see and contribute to
HERE. The codefireX and kernel github links are above the download link. Please do not ask me to include any prebuilt or proprietary applications in this ROM; I will refuse, or ignore you entirely. I removed the prebuilt terminal emulator and rommanager apps from the vendor repo for the above reason! Using proprietary or closed source applications/ROMs is and always will be a security concern I would rather not expose users to.
Changelogs are not available, however you may use github (
always current), or BananaGranola's great flowchart listed below. The kernel built with this is the KangBang 7x30 Kernel I maintain, and the stable branch. Please check the kernel thread or github for kernel changelogs.
I will be rarely able to respond to questions on this thread, so please help your fellow android user out or visit twitter/IRC
Click HERE for a full cfX settings feature flowchart by BananaGranola (thank you) [*]
NOT simply a re-named CM build like another ROM on this forum [*]
Built with a custom toolchain, strict aliasing, -O3 completely (including thumb_cflags), and other Linaro optimizations such as OOM/LMK changes. JUST TRY TO FIND A FASTER SOURCE BUILT JELLYBEAN ROM![*]
Faster, more often AOSP merge strategy than CM (and not just the release branches, but also master/jb-dev)[*]
TimeLapse functional in camera (opposed to CM ROMs) [*]
Face detection functional in the camera [*]
Lots more but I'm boring myself already Thanks and Credits (in no order):kann man auch auf der xda seite nach lesen..
Like my work? Feel free to buy me a beer for early morning dev HERELTC: LPEvPYYgHorueAitXXzRHn92TYjgfACDbYThe codefireX
githubThe kernel
githubDownload Periodical BuildsDownload Gapps------------------------------
Xda Seite
ältere changelogs vom
- Security Settings FC fixed
- Media FC fixed from downloading files in Browser
- Bionic updates and many more updates
- Fully built with cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2013.03
- More translations from the incredible crowdin community
SR17:- New arch variant dependent bionic implementation that improves performance a bit
- Su always grants access as a temporary workaround
- Fixed play store issues
- New krait optimizations
- Fixed BT
- Merged in aosp master updates
SR16:- Gee: nothing new fixed (been working on this rebase)
- Totally rebased all repos (including hardware and telephony) to AOSP OpenMaster
which is also version (over a thousand new commits, and always updating) - Moderate performance improvement from the rebase
- More customizable Weather tile
- bionic: disabled pthread_debug for performance
- lower system memory usage
- WIP setting for operator icon in pulldown (missing most images now)
- SuperUser may deny some applications due to a new koush superuser bug (will be fixed soon no doubt)
SR15:- Built completely in ISOC++11 mode (performance improvement)
- libc: many small performance improvements
- Swipe the top of a fullscreen app to show status bar (as in iOS)
- Using Koush's SuperUser
- Weather tile now customizable (from interface -> lockscreen -> widget)
- Tons of translations and small fixes as always

SR14:- Kernel built with cfX-Toolchain 4.8-2013.02 (check toolchain changelog)
- ICU updated to 50.1
- QS: Weather tile added (uses CLock)
- QS: Memory tile added
- Navbar issue should be fixed now
- some new, small optimizations
- More translations as always by the awesome crowdin translation team
SR13:- Built with cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2013.2 (check toolchain changelog)
- Many small performance improvements & fixes
- Ace: kernel updated (3.0.66 lk. will update on thread shortly)
- Custom auto brightness values
- Notification QS behavior settings
- more translations by crowdin community
SR12:- Fully merged with AOSP 4.2.2 JDQ39 (cfX are the first source built 4.2.2 roms available on XDA)
- Ace: kernel updated to v3.1
- Reverted power button fast torch temporarily to fix screen off problems
- Navbar auto hide handle default set to 35%
BR11:- Perf improvement: Now built with cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2012.12 - check the new toolchain changelog for more info.
- Added ability to disable fullscreen keyboard in CFXSettings -> Interface -> General
- Added custom dateformat strings in CFXSettings -> Interface -> Status Bar -> Clock
- QS: landscape issues half fixed
- QS: Grouper: SysUI fc should now be fixed on tile remove
- Fixed disable boot animation setting
- Added expanded desktop option in CFXSettings -> Interface -> Power menu
- Fixed TabUI and dual pane checkbox behavior
- Smoother "spinner" animation in non-holo apps
- Mms: now CM based with some forward ports (most seem prefer the cm implementations).
- More French translations by Pnoire
- Added battery bar layout for sw600dp (grouper). BUG: center-mirrored does not center-mirror it.
- Tons of other misc fixes & updates
SR10:- Fixed games (reverted a small zlib optimization)
- Fixed strange bluetooth audio (reverted a bluedroid commit)
- Since SR9, backuptool now works - no need to flash gapps if dirty flashing
SR9:- Built with cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2013.2
- Keyboard bug really fixed
- Lockscreen now uses stock behavior by default
- Navigation bar auto-hide setting & qs tile
- Lockscreen allows 7 targets on all devices
- National data roaming fixed
- Issue with ringtones missing fixed
- A ****ton of new optimizations and code cleanups - check bitbucket if you want to see everything done
- Ace: kernel updated to v2.8.1
SR8:- Fully merged with AOSP J0P40G 4.2.1_r1.2
SR7:- Ace: Fixed TTS and Angry Birds
- Ace: More performance oriented ext4 flags
- Ace: Kernel updated to v2.7
- Keyboard swipe bug fixed
- Lockscreen custom shortcut ability added
- Interface: Buttons: Headset button remapping
- Display: ability to toggle crt on/off animations
- LatinIME merged with CM
- Telephony now local to fix Canadian VM notifications, group mms, and phone number display
- TabletUI notification date display fixed
- Added volume adjust sound preference
- Favorite contact fc fixed
- Misc other fixes (volume key music controls still not fully fixed)
- More translations thanks to the great crowdin community
SR6:- Welcoming a new developer, michyprima, to our team

- "Login" issue fixed
- Back button now closes notification shade
- Switched to CM telephony, so now have national data roaming, etc.
- Mms auto retrieval
- PowerWidget available in CFXSettings -> Interface -> Status Bar -> Quick Settings
- Expandable volume panel, quiet hours, and increasing ring vol in Settings -> Sound
- CFXSettings -> Interface -> General: Vibration Multiplier
- CFXSettings -> Interface -> Buttons: Volume suspend
- CFXSettings -> Display: Separate sleep while plugged in
- CFXSettings -> Interface -> Status Bar: Circle and percentage battery styles
- Email: fix zip downloads, add CRAM-MD5 support for SMTP
- webkit: webgl implemented w/ fixes & updates
- More translations by the awesome crowdin community
- tons of misc updates and fixes
- Ace: Kernel updated to v2.5 (should fix reboots)
SR5:- Built with cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2013.1-1 (check toolchain changelog below for info)
- New string routines from CAF with additional routines from Linaro. Benefit mem/fpu performance quite a lot
- More translations and fixes by the wonderful crowdin community
- Various FC fixes
- I'm leaving MX Player broken opposed to reverting to the mr1 release icu4c (verified to "fix" mx player) due to available alternatives
- Ace: fixed camcorder
- Ace: kernel updated to v2.4
- Ace: using data and cache mount flags by "a user" for a moderate I/O improvement.
- Ace: Prefer branches and VFP ABI same as Krait
- Ace: Using CAF recommended mako bionic pld values
SR4.1:- Ace: in-call mic fixed for all users it broke for - reverted nam additions temporarily until a proper fix is found
- Ace: VPN is now given proper permissions for openvpn
- Ace: increase min_free_kbytes to 8mb (still using linaro's lowmemorykiller values in init.rc)
- Ace: minor ueventd cleanup
- Ace: disable sending usage data and other small build prop tweaks
SR4:- CFXSettings: navbar FC fixed for non-TabletUI
- Forgot to mention that since SR3, multi-user support is working on all devices for up to 8 users
- Ace: kernel updated to v2.3
- Ace: generic qcom PowerHAL now used. Please stick with interactive gov, and enjoy the insane battery life

- Ace: kgsl header brought inline with kernel (all headers now fully up to date)
- More translations from the incredible crowdin community
SR3:- Built with cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2013.1
- Built with Graphite Optimizations enabled globally
- Hot Reboot added in power menu
- Updated to ICU4c 49.2
- STLPort updated and merged with AOSP master
- Performance improvement in DiskLruCache.readJournalLine()
- Lots of other small optimizations
- Lots of translations thanks to Pnoire and the entire crowdin community
- CFXSettings: Display: Can choose between TabletUI (combined bar), PhabletUI, or PhoneUI at any DPI
- CFXSettings: Display: Can disable compatibility mode for TabletUI
- Add USB mass storage notification to tablet status bar
- BT connections fixed for some car kits
- Browser crashing fixed for some browsers
- Hide lockscreen clock if DeskClock or Chronus is shown
- Swipe on the bottom notification bar to switch between QS and Notifications
- Camera: pulled in all CM10.1 additions
- Camera: add touch-to-focus timeout duration settings
- Camera: add volume button zoom controls
- CFXSettings: fix app picker "white on white" bug
- CFXSettings: Lockscreen: add carousel widget animation setting
- CFXSettings: Interface: Navbar: add ability to change navbar width
- Settings: remove unmount/mount button until unmount
- Settings: add button for new APNs now appears in the action bar (like wifi)
- Settings: Add fastscroll to the manage application screen
- Settings: Add wifi help url to fix the wifi help button
- Settings: show cfX modversion
- Ace: fix BT audio quality
- Ace: Update kernel to v2.2
- Ace: Add "a user's" network tweaks
- Ace: Phone mic mute and hands free now works
- Ace: Totally new qcom/display and qcom/audio (better audio quality)
SR2:- Ace: fixed gps and bluetooth (bluetooth audio still low quality).
- Ace: kangbang 2.0 stable kernel
- Interface: Status bar: Signal: cleaned and separated 6bar signal settings for radio and wifi
- Interface: Lockscreen: add settings for CM's Chronus widget
- Interface: Lockscreen: add setting to start lockscreen widgets maximized
- Interface: Lockscreen: add setting to hide page hints shown at screen on
- Theming: Add navbar and status bar transparency settings.
- System: App Security: add sms limit setting
- System Settings: Audio: add option to disable safe headset volume
- System Settings: Security: configurable pattern dimensions
- Contacts: Now theme chooser themable, fixes & translations
- DeskClock: add option to hide alarm clock icon
- Fixed phone and navbar center ring on non-standard DPI
- Switched from keystore to binder
- French translations by Pnoire
- German translations by ©h®is
- Slovak translations by brtani
- Tons of fixes and updates
SR1:- Now built with cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2012.12-2 - check toolchain changelog for info
- Added volume key cursor control into CFXSettings -> Interface -> General (and organized a bit better)
- Grouper: Mustaavalkosta fixed the SystemUI FC loop on QS toggle remove
- Mako: now globally using -O3 for thumb_cflags (yields a significant performance increase). Thank you ctfrommn for testing.
- Ace: updated kernel - will update the kernel thread shortly
- Added a toggle navbar widget action for the navbar
- Added a torch QS tile
- Added toast message on back to kill
- Added ability to have directional keys on navbar for text input
- TONS of great french translations by Pnoire
- Lots of misc fixes and updates by Mustavaalkosta and others

BR11:- Perf improvement: Now built with cfX-Toolchain 4.7-2012.12 - check the new toolchain changelog for more info.
- Added ability to disable fullscreen keyboard in CFXSettings -> Interface -> General
- Added custom dateformat strings in CFXSettings -> Interface -> Status Bar -> Clock
- QS: landscape issues half fixed
- QS: Grouper: SysUI fc should now be fixed on tile remove
- Fixed disable boot animation setting
- Added expanded desktop option in CFXSettings -> Interface -> Power menu
- Fixed TabUI and dual pane checkbox behavior
- Smoother "spinner" animation in non-holo apps
- Mms: now CM based with some forward ports (most seem prefer the cm implementations).
- More French translations by Pnoire
- Added battery bar layout for sw600dp (grouper). BUG: center-mirrored does not center-mirror it.
- Tons of other misc fixes & updates
BR10.1:- Fixed perms for CFXSettings -> System -> Performance settings
BR10:- CFXSettings: the softkey category actually removes on unsupported devices
- CFXSettings: Added Interface -> Buttons -> Key Rebinding for supported devices
- Mako: removed the obscenely large minimum spanning distance (should fix many of the pinch to zoom and other multi touch complaints)
- Added NavBar widget functionality as well as an option for navigation bar controls in power menu
- Using the new app resolver again
- CFXSettings: Mustaavalkosta fixed many issues such as bootanimation selection with CM file manager, and the custom navbar icon picker permissions...he is a truly a machine
- CFXSettings: more FR translations courtesy of Pnoire
- Implemented the brightness slider for statusbar sliding - will implement a way to disable in next release
- Mustaavalkosta set the volume button music controls as off by default
- New bootanimation by PYR06 is now used by default
- Tons of other miscellaneous fixes and updates
BR9:- Now fully built with a gcc4.7.3 toolchain (major performance improvement)
- CFXSettings: Mustaavalkosta fixed the QS enabled toggles FC
- Mustaavalkosta fixed BLN in fwb
BR8:- Tons of telephony commits from CM
- Rebased frameworks/av
- Ace: Clock text size lowered via overlays in what I'm considering a hack, not a fix.
- Interface: Buttons: Rdlgrmpf added a new softkeys category with his Button Light Notification option
- Interface: Buttons: moved the button light timeout from Display to this fragment
- Interface: Status Bar: Signal: Mustaavalkosta added a six bar radio and wifi signal icon setting. The initial radio six bar code hails from evervolv, with the wifi signal icons being made by Youngunn2008, and Mustaavalkosta doing the necessary changes for sixbar wifi.
- Interface: Recent Apps: Mustaavalkosta added a kill all button checkbox.
- PackageInstaller: Show current and new version in install dialog by MarcLandis
- CFXSettings: more french translations by Pnoire
- Settings: Allow user-installed apps to be disabled and force stopped
- Misc fixes/updates
BR7:- Reverted to stock app resolver - fixed wallpaper fc
- frameworks/native fixes
- frameworks/av fixes
BR6:- Fixed security related bugs
- Libpng: VeNum optimizations (mostly neon)
- Quick Settings: Added favorite contact tile
- Phone: Advanced Phone Settings: Vibrate on Answer, Vibrate 60, Vibrate End and Vibrate on Call Waiting.
- Phone: Settings: Landscape in call and exit to home
- Mms: ThemeChooser support
- Mms: Configurable quick reply
- Mms: Emoji ported from CM9 w/ quick emoji
- Mms: Sms split
BR5:- Fixed all time issues - based more off aosp release branches now with previous master optimizations
- Added lockscreen widget settings to interface -> lockscreen (allow all widgets/unlimited widgets)
- Mustaavalkosta added custom hardware key backlight settings to Display (only devices with bl hardware keys)
- Mustaavalkosta added recent apps memory display in Interface -> Recents
- Added 2g and NFC tiles as options for Quick Settings
- DeskClock: Added ability to add analog clock to lockscreen without all widgets enabled
- DeskClock: Added ability to change digital clock widget colors
- Added new app resolver by default - the chooser which is displayed for multiple apps of the same type
- Pnoire and Mustaavalkosta added more French translations to CFXSettings & made more translatable
- Tons of misc updates
BR4:- Email: reverted clear all button commit to fix Email FC
- Bugs: analog clock widget doesn't display properly
BR3:- BIG release for optimizations, updates, and fixes
- Fully merged with AOSP master (build ID OPENMASTER, version TONS OF UPDATES
- Added Interface -> ThemePrefs with color pickers for navbar/status bar & a custom bootanimation install setting
- Added ability to enable power menu user switcher in Interface -> Power Menu
- CFXSettings French translations by pnoire
- QuickSettings: GPS fixes
- Clock: AM/PM fixes
- Better battery led support
- HTC Ace: updated kernel to v1.8 of KangBang-Kernel
- HTC Ace: fixed Settings -> Storage FC
- Jpeg neon optimizations
- Newer bionic cortex-a9 optimized string routines than the linaro-android routines (from the string library)
- ICU4 updated
- Tons of SELINUX updates
- Fixed init.d and ksm permissions/functionality
- Email: Added "Mark All Messages Read" button
- Email: Added Bluetooth PAN features
- Email: added option to use/unuse the LED for notifications
- Email: added security bypass for exchange
- Email: added more refresh intervals
- Better search icon
- Better copy gtalk text functionality
- tons of other **** you'll probably notice due to the aosp master merge ;). Didn't add status bar/navbar transparency due to a major performance hit even while disabled
BR2:- Most of the new features don't yet conform to disabling CFXSettings - will be fixed in BR3
- Moved hide adb notification setting to developer settings where it belongs (below adb checkbox)
- Added configurable back to kill app & custom timeout in Interface -> Button Settings
- Merged Maxxy13's squashed VoiceMail notification forwardports from CM7 for Canadian carriers
- Added Interface -> Battery bar fragment and settings
- Added Interface -> General -> Custom carrier label
- Added Lockscreen text settings in Interface -> Lockscreen
- Added Interface -> Navigation Bar fragment & settings (all cfx 4.1.2 settings here but transparency & navbar widgets)
- Added Interface -> Status Bar -> Signal Settings with radio/wifi signal text & color options (as well as hide)
- Added Interface -> Status Bar -> Clock Settings with clock style & color settings as well as notification clock actions
- Added Interface -> Status Bar -> Quick settings with configurable quick settings.
- Added longpress intent to settings in notification shade (now launches CFXSettings)
- tons of other **** I'm forgetting, including some AOSP master merges ;)
BR1:- Mako (nexus4) users should be good to go now

- BT now works on some devices about half the time (seems to be an aosp bug...same error code as on nexus7).
- Additional changes which benefit performance in testing
- Should be quite bugfree except for the listed 'issues"
- Merged with AOSP 4.2.1
- Ported T9 Dialing
- Added Phone Noise Suppression
- Added ability to hide ADB notification in CFXSettings ->Interface -> Status Bar
AR6:- Source built LatinIME keyboard gestures now work (with the proprietary google blob(thanks hdorious for your link))
- Added a TabletUI toggle in CFXSettings (must use lowered DPI). It's the new 4.2 tabletUI same as on the N7, so google completely removed the "combined bar." in favor of a right and left notification pulldown.
- Enabled the interface -> buttons settings in CFXSettings
- Added T-Mobile ThemeChooser functionality.
AR5:- Added a few battery icon styles, dual pane toggle, and disable bootanimation to CFXSettings - disable bootanim won't do anything until an animation is added. All CFXSettings except build.prop can be disabled through the switch still

- Misc fixes/performance improvements...LatinIME *almost* has working gesture.
AR4:- First release with CFXSettings (accessible through settings). This will get far more populated soon. To disable all non-aosp framework/settings changes, push the switch to "off" in the upper right of the app.
- "December" issue is fixed.
- Email app now being built with the ROM.
- WiFi Tethering now works
- Misc fixes
AR3:- Su now building, so root is working
- Location Services fixed
- Performance improvements
AR2:- Fixed webkit glitches (cpu upload)
- Can copy gtalk text
- Now has busybox build fixed. Still no working superuser.
- Torch now building
- Multi-user enabled for non-gapps users
- Some touchscreen fixes
- Lots more as expected this early in the game
— geändert am 25.07.2013, 09:04:18
StayDirty ツ
Pixel 3a XL [10]
Samsung Tab A 10.5 2018 [9]
⇨Dirty⇦nexus5x [8.1.0]
⇨Dirty⇦ nexus4 [5.0.2] RIP
⇨Dirty⇦ nexus7 (Flo) [6.0.1] RIP
⇨CodefireX⇦desire hd [4.2.2] RIP